The CFP played an integral role in supporting the local ballot measure to ensure that early childhood enrichment programs in St. Louis would be accessible to all children.


Supporters for the Yes on R ballot measure carry out promotional yard signs as they leave the campaign kickoff on Thursday, Oct. 1, 2020, at Flance Early Learning Center in St. Louis. Proposition R, which would raise property taxes by 6 cents/$100 valuation for early childhood programs is a product by the Ready by Five Campaign. A similar campaign failed to make it to the ballot in St. Louis County. Photo by Christian Gooden,

Supporters for the Yes on R ballot measure carry out promotional yard signs as they leave the campaign kickoff on Thursday, Oct. 1, 2020, at Flance Early Learning Center in St. Louis. Proposition R, which would raise property taxes by 6 cents/$100 valuation for early childhood programs is a product by the Ready by Five Campaign. A similar campaign failed to make it to the ballot in St. Louis County. Photo by Christian Gooden,