Multnomah County, OR’s Preschool for All
In November 2020, voters in Multnomah County, OR, approved the Preschool for All ballot measure, bringing universal preschool for all three- and four-year-olds in the county. The measure passed with 64.1% support and authorized an income tax on the county’s high earners. Once fully implemented in 2026, the program will provide six hours of high quality preschool for over 15,000 kids.
Vox: What this Oregon county’s “preschool for all” victory means for child care in America
New York Times: How an Oregon Measure for Universal Preschool Could Be a National Model
Portland Mercury: Multnomah County’s Preschool for All Measure Won. Here’s What the Campaigns Are Taking Away From It.
Early Learning Nation: A Universal Preschool Campaign in Oregon Galvanizes Broad Support and Rewrites All the Rules